Invitation To Join us In This Worthy Cause

Our Fund Raising Efforts are geared to expanding our programs to include a larger number of needy and deserving Belizean Youths. The Ariel Rosado Foundation takes this opportunity to invite you to join us in our efforts to provide needy Belizean youths with educational and sporting opportunities as a positive alternative to and a deterrent against a life of crime. We pledge to do our best to recognize your contributions, as key players in achieving the Foundation's goals, by using every media outlet available to us to publicize your role in this effort to make a difference in the lives of our needy and deserving Belizean youths.

You might prefer to customize your participation and we would welcome an opportunity to discuss the various possibilities with you. One new feature of the Foundation this year is to manage scholarships for individuals or firms who prefer to provide the funds for a full scholarship without the hassle of advertising, screening and providing follow up supervision of scholars. Based on our experiences we estimate that the direct cost for such a scholarship would be Twelve Hundred Dollars per year or One Hundred Dollars per month. The first such scholarship is the Louis and Dorin Humphreys Scholarship which is funded by the Humphreys family.

If you prefer to make a direct monetary contribution to the Foundation we would prefer that checks be made out to The Ariel Rosado Scholarship Fund.

If you want to get involved in any way please contact us at ariel.memorial@gmail.com or call us at 223-5674 0r 600-6665.

The Ariel Rosado Foundation currently funds the following scholarships:

(1) Primary School Scholarships Current Year = 10 Total To Date = 95
(2) High School Scholarships Current Year = 18 Total To Date = 104
(3) Galen University Scholarships Current Year = 2 Total To Date = 6

Thanks to generous contributions from Corporate and Individual Sponsors over the years the Foundation has been able to continue chalking up milestones even during these challenging times. This academic year a total of Seven (7) ARF Scholars will be graduating from High School. These include Liuannie Rodriguez who will be graduating from St. Ignatius High School in Santa Elena, Cayo. Liuannie has done extremely well in school placing Third (3rd) overall in her graduating class. She follows in the footsteps of Two (2) previous ARF Scholars who were Valedictorians or Salutatorians for their graduating class. These are no mean accomplishments considering the fact that all ARF Scholars are awarded scholarships based on need and not necessarily on grades or previous accomplishments.

This year the Foundation has proudly celebrated another significant milestone in the graduation of Heidy Canales from Galen University. Heidy is the first ARF Scholar whose High School, and University Education, were both sponsored by the Ariel Rosado Foundation. Next year we are expecting to see the second ARF High School Scholar begin her university education at Galen University under the sponsorship of the Ariel Rosado Foundation.

This year a total of Thirty (30) needy and deserving Belizean youths are benefiting from Educational and Sporting Opportunities currently funded by the Foundation. This number has dropped from Forty Three (43) Scholars last year due to the constraints and effects of the COVID Pandemic. The Pandemic has greatly affected the performance of the vast majority of students and the needy - (our catchment population) - has been the population most affected. This year more than ever needy, and deserving Belizean youths, will face greater challenges because of the effects of the Pandemic, but with your support the Ariel Rosado Foundation will be there to provide as much assistance and support as possible.

Pandemic restrictions and constraints prevented the Foundation from advertising and offering new scholarships last year. This year 2021-2022 the foundation has received some applications and expects to offer up to 10 new high school scholarships.

Since its establishment Nine (9) years ago Thirty Four (34) of the Foundation’s Scholars have graduated from High School and Six (6) Scholars have graduated from Galen University.

The Foundation has also provided Financial Support to the following Organizations and events:

  • Belize National Football Team
  • Lake Independence Annual Summer Camp
  • Orange Walk Junior Cycling Team

Annual Trophies for the youngest rider in each category to finish the following Races within the Prescribed Time

  • Holy Saturday Cross Country Cycling Classics (3 Categories)
  • Holy Saturday Cross Country Cycling Classics (3 Categories)

We are now entering our Tenth Year of service to Belize and we commence our 2021 fund raising efforts to continue with the above programs and hopefully to expand our programs to include a larger number of needy, and deserving, Belizean Youths. Our long term goal is to increase the number of scholarships and to establish a Resource Center where needy and deserving Belizean youths will have the use of a computer lab with internet access and a supervised study hall.

Please accept our sincere Thanks for your kind support, and our assurance that every penny contributed to this worthy cause will go directly to providing scholarships, or sporting opportunities, for needy Belizean youths.
